I have been interested in family history (genealogy) since I was 12 years old and first look at the Pointer family bible in my grandparent house. I remember coping down the information and using it as my basis for my research.
Genealogy research was difficult in those days. It involved hours in libraries pouring over microfilm of old censuses and newspapers. Sometime weeks would go by without a break, but every once in a while a discovery would take you one generation further back in your family tree.
Fast forward to 2012 and how thing have changed. Computers and the
internet have made millions of records within the reach of our home office.
Websites like Ancestry and Family Search have made genealogy one of the fastest growing hobbies today. States have put entire archives of birth, marriage and death records on the web and made them accessible to researchers. And there are a dozen computer programs design to help you trace your tree.
Since I have been researching for over 40 years now I have accumulated a lot of
information, records and of course pictures that I would like to share with my
immediate family, friends and more distant kin that might alsoi be researching these families.
Today I have published the Appel - Pointer Family History Website. It is now and the foreseeable future a work in progress. Currently it covers only three generations but I will add more as time allows. There will also be a blog where I will publish occasional stories of people, places and things that are part of the story and items I have acquired over the years while researching these families. I hope that you will take a moment to look around and learn more about these interesting people.
This is a two way street so please contact me with any questions comments or additional information. There is a form on the first page of the website.
Don Appel